Conscious Death Part 1: Transcending Attachments and Aversions
To consciously die and not have to incarnate again we must ensure all our thinking in "separation" is transcended. Wherever the idea of “me and other” arises we will feel separate and have an aversion or attachment. In this class we look at how to transcend these. Being prepared before the time of death is important and Helen explains why.
Conscious Death Part 2: Leaving the body through the Crown Chakra
Helen teaches the "Crown Chakra Om Meditation" to dissolve duality by working with the breath and "Om" Mantra, raise energy upwards to the Crown chakra and allow the body to leave through the Crown chakra to the Solar Gate/portal by intention.
Cosmic Samyama Reincarnation and Death
Helen and Linda explore the deeper applications and uses of the Samyama sutra practice. Topics such as death, the soul, reincarnation, and the application of the sutras to help with the world, are among a few of the many topics touched upon in this powerful conversation. Enjoy!
Please note, this subject may be triggering to some, please use your discretion about watching this.
Abortion, Shame And Spiritual Evolution
In this powerful conversation we discuss the topic of shame around abortion, miscarriage and the evolution of the eternal soul. Helen, Lynn and Laurel dive deeply into this topic to try to remove misconceptions and bring light to this often taboo subject. Enjoy this session.
Please note, this subject may be triggering to some, please use your discretion about watching this.
Suicide, Mental Health, Awakening And Reincarnation
In this powerful and insightful conversation between Helen and Laurel, we discuss the topic of suicide in relation to the global crisis, the spiritual awakening and the evolution of our species and path as human beings. This conversation brings light to many areas often not discussed and is aimed at bringing healing, and awareness to such a vital subject. Join us as we look at this from a new perspective.
Near Death and Out Of Body Experiences, Angels, Demons and Chakras
In this diverse and powerful conversation between Claire and Helen , we discuss topics, such as near death experiences, out of body experiences, aligning, with spiritual masters for protection and transcendence and much more. We look at how fear blocks of our energy system and how to release it. Enjoy this wide range of topics and this amazing discussion!
Death, Dying, Grieving and Awakening
In this profound conversation between Chadwick and Helen , we explore topics of death, dying, the grieving process, and how different this is as our awakening deepens. Helen and Chadwick share intimately their experiences of caring for parents through the death process, whilst being challenged to remain conscious of their essential nature. Enjoy this rich and thought-provoking conversation.
Samyama Class
Helen discusses the powerful technique which forms a part of the eight limbs of yoga to help us manifest what we want and work with our intention in an effortless way . Samyama is an ancient art or science and can bring miraculous results when done consistently. Helen explains how to use sutras to bring about what we want and further our realisation of the truth.
Conscious Death Class
what is the best news we can make of the death experience and does it need to be scary and random? Is there a way to consciously exit the body through the crown chakra to ensure that we have a choice whether to incarnate again or not? In this class, Helen discusses how to consciously make the best use of the death of the physical body, how to become aware of the subtle body, and what can stop us leaving through the crown chakra at the time of death. Our intention is key along with focus.
Desire and Abundance
What is desire and should we even have it? Is there a way to work with desire as my awakening deepens? What is abundance and how do I allow it? In this beautiful conversation Helen and Louise discuss these topics and a powerful unfolding occurs.
Extra Class - 16/09/22 - Part 2
Helen talks about death and the meaning of life and desire and accepting what is
Extra Class - 16/09/22 - Part 1
Helen talks about death and the meaning of life and desire and accepting what is
Is Desiring Change Still Working In Duality ?
Death And Existence Extra Class Part 1 - 17/02/22
Death And Existence Extra Class Part 2 - 17/02/22