Sangha de Helen Hamilton -
Enseñanzas mensuales y actualizaciones del 2023 Ve a la página de inicio de las Enseñanzas mensuales para ver las enseñanzas de otros años.
Ten en cuenta que algunas de estas grabaciones pueden hacer referencia al Programa para Graduados, ya que éste era el antiguo nombre del Sangha de Helen Hamilton.
December Q & A Session - 21/12/23
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 6:40 Q1 A student asks for guidance as her habit is to keep herself on the outside periphery of groups and a pattern of resistance. 8:11 Helen invites the student to move out of her comfort zone consistently for at least 30 days and push through the resistance. 18:39 Q2 How does awareness witnessing through the body’s perception differ from awareness witnessing through the mind? And doesn’t awareness become one with whatever is perceived? 19:08 Helen explains that awareness is present everywhere but can appear to be limited by what it’s perceiving through. Helen clarifies that awareness can appear as a thought or a perception. 22:34 Q3 A students shares breakthroughs with Helen’s teachings and says she is in awe of what she never saw coming. 24:02 Helen expands on the sharing relating it to abundance, the upward spiral and the wow factor. 28:03 Q4 A student shares how the teachings are coming true for her and she expresses gratitude for the joy and love she has found. 32:11 Helen expresses gratitude for the sharing and is reminded of her first inkling of joy. 34:50 Q5 A student asks for guidance around issues of powerlessness, trust and conflict. 36:50 Helen suggests working with two questions: is it true I am powerless here to assert my will and have I actually met myself? She also suggests working with beliefs about anger. 43:50 Q6 A student asks for clarification about conscious imagining and cause and effect. 45:15 Helen reminds us that there are no separate beings imagining, there isn’t an ‘in here’ and an ‘out there’ and the manifestation was all about feeling good in different body/minds. 51:30 Q7 A student shares that she feels peaceful, yet detached from the teachings, is fearful that there is something wrong but there is no suffering. 55:14 Helen teaches that this isn’t a problem and this is awakening deepening and the seeking is disappearing. |
December 2023 Lesson Part 2
Exploring Lesson 1 – The Dance of Attention
Recording Index
0:08 Q4 Student describes her meditation when her body felt extremely heavy, her arms felt like stones and she couldn’t move. 2:17 Helen explains how we can experience that when we give up being a doer and the body finally relaxes. The body just IS. It can feel very heavy and you can’t make it do anything. 11:49 Q5 Student asked Helen to explain her comment when she said, “That’s the total unsubscribe button from everything.” 12:15 Helen explained that to realize that you are only watching, you’re not doing anything. You were never the doer of anything. You can’t make attention move, you can only intend it to move. 16:25 Q6 Student has been meditating for more than 40 years and she loves that this meditation is dynamic. We’re not trying to get away from or get back to anything. 17:54 Helen jokes that student will be dancing with the objects of her awareness soon - her packing boxes! 18:22 Q7 Student states that her sense of separate self arises with her relationships. 21:38 Helen explains that it is just another phenomenon and it’s ok for it to exist. Contractions are just love appearing in disguise. 27:15 Q8 Student asks Helen to discuss the question “What is aware?” While she is zooming out, there is a recognition of the field but the only sensations she feels are localized to her form/body. 31:02 Helen explains the natural experience of Oneness. She says that Mind thinks there should be a continual experience of being One with everything, but in that there’s multiplicity. There’s just you, there’s nothing else. |
December 2023 Lesson Part 1
Exploring Lesson 1 – The Dance of Attention
December 2023 Lesson Plan
Exploring Lesson 1 – The Dance of Attention
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 12:00 Helen introduces Lesson 1 – The Dance of Attention Helen describes how effortless and fun meditation can be. 24:23 Helen leads a meditation with instructions to just watch the attention dance. 42:27 Q1 What is the role of mantras including focusing on Sat Nam in meditation? 42:58 Helen explains why she doesn’t recommend mixing mantra meditations with this type of meditation. 45:51 Q2 Student describes how we tend to measure the success of our meditations and how the experience of love factors into that success. 47:28 Helen describes how we tend to desire certain states such as love in our mediations. 51:37 Q3 Student is able to be aware of attention and the object of attention. It’s like they’re simultaneous and available throughout the day. Helen observes that thoughts and awareness of thoughts absolutely happen simultaneously but they are not actually different. Helen and student also discuss dreams and the deep sleep state. |
November Q & A Session Part 2 - 23/11/23
Recording Index
00:10 Q10 A student’s physical health has not improved although there’s a willingness to look. She’s just not seeing it. 02:02 Helen says that it’s easier to see it in other beings but not so easy in our own self. Paradoxically the thing that’s right in front of us is usually the hardest thing to see. Sometimes it’s as simple as there’s a belief there that needs to be seen. But what you need to see is that you’re already free. You think there’s still work for you to do to clear this up. But it’s the idea that you have work to do that’s disturbing the body. 12:40 Q11 Student asks for clarification about Chapter 6 in Helen’s book Now That You Are Formless. He realizes he has no location, but it makes no sense to him. Helen asks the student if he is confused or is the mind confused. Keep recognizing yourself and you lose the ability to imagine you’re looking from somewhere. 18:47 Q12 Student is inspired by Helen’s statement, “You don’t want to make anything wrong.” Also she likes to watch her small self when judgment of “others” arises. And she knows she doesn’t have to do anything because she’s already free. 20:45 Helen comments that there are layers of seeing that deepen and deepen. And good habits change your default setting. |
November Q & A Session Part 1 - 23/11/23
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 6:25 Q1 I have social phobia, and because others criticize me, I’ve developed a stutter and my body contracts in pain. I’ve tried self-inquiry without much success. 7:58 Helen explains whenever we experience any kind of fear, any kind of bodily contraction, there’s a response emotionally and a response physically. The only way out of that is to recognize they are all one and the same thing showing up three different ways. There’s the “external” component of the other being, an emotional component and a physiological component in the body. With this kind of inquiry, we need to look for signs of progress such as you’re judging yourself less. So two things I want you to do: study Lesson 3, applying the exercises, and working on your self love. There’s a book How To Fall in Love with Yourself that Helen wrote for that purpose. 16:36 Q2 I feel negative about myself and my desires seem out of reach. 17:38 Helen asks why do you have to be negative about yourself? She explains that her desires consistently failed to show up until her awakening had really deepened. She explains that we feel like oddballs because of our unusual desire to awaken. As soon as awakening deepens within us, there’s a huge upsurge of our desires that we learned how to suppress as a separate being. Now we’ll be asked to address again as an awakened being or the awakened Self and look at why we think we can’t get them. 25:48 Q3 I meditate every day but I lose awareness of Noumenon during the rest of the day. What should I do during the day to continue to move toward awakening? 20:26 Helen explains that your meditation is enough. Doing more is not necessarily going to get you there faster and it’s often not possible when you’re busy at work. Awareness is always watching. If you want to feel better in the body, have some set times to check in, being aware of Awareness. Is Awareness still there? 30:11 Q4 I’m relying less on my mind to tell me what is true. Labels are a big part of experience being in the medical field and having a daughter with multiple labels that would seem to define the ways in which she can appear and function. 31:41 Helen shares some similar experiences with her own children. It became too painful to tell stories. Something eventually smashed her willingness to keep believing the stories and to keep forming the stories. Helen suggests that the student see how far she has come in her awakening when she handles this like a sage and just watches it. 37:56 Q5 I have a question on formless/form interactions. If I believe dogs to be dangerous, then when I see one there’s fear in the separate being. If established in the awakened Self and a dog is present, the dog is appreciated as a reflection of the Self. Could it be said attention from the formless is used in both cases? 39:04 Helen explains that Awareness is always watching and expressing Itself as our life, body, mind and experience. It’s always the same Awareness and at first It wants to experience everything as a separate being. It begins to look through all the labels and beliefs and it will experience its belief about the dog rather than the dog itself. Later it will look at the dog as Itself recognizing that no story will tell it anything about Itself. 42:35 Q6 I’m aware of Awareness. Do I have to try to go beyond the senses when in the waking state or is Awareness experiencing Itself via the senses? 42:57 Helen explains that you’re already beyond the senses. Awareness experiences Itself in spite of and in contrast to the body and mind. 45:08 Q7 I get a pain in my left shoulder as if the body is holding something. How can I find out what I’m carrying and resisting? 46:44 Helen explains that we’ve looked at this in Lesson 2, and it will be discussed in the Extra Class: Body as a Diagnostic Tool. The body is trying to tell us that we’re not acknowledging some energies that need to be looked at. If we don't look at these thought patterns, then we feel them as an emotional response. If we can’t or won’t look at the emotion and the emotion gets strong enough, eventually the life force energy will be cut off from the body due to suppressing this emotion. The body will begin to creak and groan under the strain of trying to function without enough life force energy, creating what we call illness or disease. The three emotions that come up again and again are: Guilt/shame, Anger and Fear. 53:27 Q8 The student describes Emptiness as having no matter, no wisdom, no suffering, etc. Is this the Heart Sutra and Lesson 4? 54:57 Helen explains that the Heart Sutra is Lesson 4 and some is Lesson 2. 55:18 Q9 It feels as if there’s a willpower that’s beyond the little me that I’d love to tap more deeply into. 56:15 Helen explains that when the recognition of who you really are deepens, you are looking from the Self at the karmic pattern that arises inside you. As that deepens more you’ll find it isn’t even a choice and everything was just imagination anyway. |
November 2023 Part 2
Exploring Lesson 4 – The Continuum of the Self
Recording Index
0:00 Q4 A student asks about objects feeling empty but the touching of the object/a pen is a reminder that something is here. 1:20 Helen reminds us that doubt is a good thing. What do you know about the pen without the senses? The senses detect an object but the senses are also objects. The senses are temporary and it is a case of illusion sustaining illusion. There are no objects without the sensing of them. 11:40 Q5 A student asks about chronic pain, the root issue and the concern that she somehow caused this. 14:00 Helen suggests that this is coming up now because awakening is deepening and asks the question “Can you (as a separate being) cause anything to happen?” No thoughts or opinions or phenomena can tell you anything about the Self. She also reminds us that the Self doesn’t believe thoughts and that the pain and the experience of pain is not separate from the experiencing. Pain and Awareness are synonyms. 21:20 Q6 How can I live my life if everything is an illusion? 22:00 Helen teaches that this is always what’s been going on; the awareness is showing up as shapes and life is showing us where we forget. Everything is empty. 25:25 Q7 A student speaks about the mind complicating everything and the feeling of fear of letting go into the emptiness. 26:57 Helen leads the student in self inquiry around fear, disappointment and safety. Helen suggests experiencing the essence of a ‘thing’. 33:25 Q8 A student asks about physical pain getting worse in the past several months and how to fix this. 34:00 Helen reminds us that the body is your best spiritual tool and shows us where we are believing thoughts and where the lifeforce is cut off. There is nothing to do or fix, give the mind a rest, and simply ask ‘what can I do or undo’. She also reminds us that nothing in our life can tell us anything about our true Self. The discussion concludes with a bit about science, the nature of reality and asking 'what can we prove to be true.' |
November 2023 Part 1
Exploring Lesson 4 – The Continuum of the Self
November 2023 Lesson Plan
Exploring Lesson 4 – The Continuum of the Self
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 12:00 Helen teaches Lesson 4 Summary : Lesson 4 says that form and formless are One and the same. There are not 2 categories of ‘form’ and ‘formless’ and there is only One substance-less unbroken continuum. There is only the appearance of creation or the appearance of objects. We must be willing to think in different ways than most people. We must be willing to question assumptions that other people accept as true. 26:25 Q1 I have a belief that my body will heal with awakening, can you help me frame this correctly? 27:00 Helen discusses cause and effect and advises not to refer to phenomena as a reference for awakening. This would include resistance, the body and/or thoughts. Nothing in the phenomenal realm can stop you from seeing who you really are which is non-phenomenal. We can’t use the status of the body (being well or unwell) as a sign of progress. 32:27 Q2 A student ask for guidance with Self inquiry using the question “are Duality and Oneness different” and asks what is the purpose of self inquiry? 34:00 Helen reminds us to ask the question; and not to reference epiphanies or insights as evidence as whether inquiry works. She also discusses her experience of losing the ability to suffer and of not being able to reject anything or hold onto it. 39:35 Q3 What is the purpose of phenomenon? 40:00 Helen suggests that phenomenon is there to show you in contrast who you really are by experiencing apparent time change and duality to realize that you are none of those. Helen also shares that being in an apparent location that is different from the recent retreat is not the Self changing. |
October Q & A Session - 25/10/23
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 6:30 Q1 A student expresses gratitude for Helen’s teachings and asks if seeing oneself as formless instead of form reinforces a sense of duality 7:20 Helen suggests expanding the definition of formlessness to include both form and formless. These are simply two ways of appearing and Helen asks us to use the question “where is the place where form and formless are synonyms?” 11:33 Q 2 A student explains that mind is beginning to fall away and that only thoughts think they are suffering. I am a thought in the mind of God; (ACIM) divine intelligence playing with itself as form. 13:58 Helen explains that the human being a mode of the Self and it is exploring and understanding “itSelf’. The idea of a separate self is a collection of thoughts and cannot affect you. 17:40 Q3 A student expressions appreciate for pointers and asks about dyslexia as a learning disability and wonders if reading and engaging thought with words and meanings takes you away from Awareness. 19:18 Helen explains that nothing can interrupt the full experience of Awareness - tells about her journey with dyslexia & the challenge of reading and speaking. She speaks about the mind, inspiration and neuro-diversity. 24:10 Q4 A student describes his dream of being an athlete and now a businessman and how he feels unmotivated, unsure and joyless. He asks for advice about the next steps. 26:23 Helen discusses desire and being the ‘do-er’ and suggests being the observer instead. She explains that being the decider/doer carries a heavy vibration. She explores the questions “How do you want to feel? What would you do if you had unlimited resources?” 35:25 Q5 A student discusses the change when bringing the “oneness” and unconditional love to family visits and the occasional triggers 38:52 Helen reminds us that no one has ever triggered anyone and we don’t need anyone to be different than they are; that’s the only time they can actually change. 41:02 Q6 A student expresses thanks for the gathering and asks if seeking is the same as suffering. 41:40 Helen says yes they are the same because they are a movement away from this moment 42:04 Q6(B) The student continues with the second question ‘Has anything happened or is going to happen if this moment is everything?’ 42: 50 Helen asks ‘what do you think’--and reminds us that manifestation is a mirage; in the formlessless nothing is happening at all; and there is an absolute quietness here. You are experiencing everything from everywhere all the time. 45:30 Q7 A student asks for guidance about his attachment to competitiveness and conflicts. 47:33 Helen shares her experience with attraction to competition in life experiences including awakening and the feelings of unworthiness, safety and jealousy that were underneath. Helen reminds us that as the Self begins to move freely without the belief in limitation or lack it is beautiful. 55:50 Q8 A student expresses gratitude for the retreat and shares that the beliefs from childhood have fallen away with a deep seeing and how her memory and brain seem different. 58:02 Helen says this is normal now as there is no holding on as an awakened being. Everything appears “here”; without the distance of thoughts between us. The mind doesn’t like this! Everything you thought you knew doesn’t seem to be true and there is an adjustment period. But, you can intend to remember as needed and then there is a download; this is a different way of functioning. We are always seeing what has always been-- and so much peace. |
October 2023 Part 2 Exploring Lesson 3 – Unity Or Diversity
Recording Index - Part 2
00:18 Student #5 - I go into Presence more and more and words and actions come out. It’s life changing. It’s happening without much effort but just remembering. 02:25 Helen: It’s a shift in functioning. Like I’ll just shift to my real Self, like shifting gears in a car. Or like I’m doing that separate self thing again. Let me just slide back into this effortless place and respond from there, what’s real. 04:09 Student #6 - Sometimes I can’t sleep at night and feel inundated by fear. I want to escape that and shift to a peaceful state, being the Noumenon. It’s a sense of feeling separate and somehow it feels impossible. 06:35 Helen: Sometimes for me when my body was most relaxed was when that sort of thing would come up because then it could flow. You said the word Impossibility, that I just can’t escape it or do anything with it. I finally realized after finding different ways to get away from it that the thing to do is to go into it. There was usually this strong emotion and a whole lot of thoughts. It’s as if the mind is saying, “I need you to contemplate this.” 16:25 Student #7 - (Crying) I feel a bit safe right here with you but when I face this situation I’m not safe. It’s just too much. 17:12 Helen: Will you do something with me? Who’s your favorite avatar? (Jesus) Let’s just ask Jesus to help right now in this moment, for his love and protection. And ask him to help lift the burden. It’s ok to give it to him. He wants to take it from you. And now, if you want to, ask him to fill your heart with love and peace. We each choose to do this work, but we don’t have to do it alone. There is so much help here for us. We only have to feel the emotion enough to be authentic to it and then we can ask for help with it. There are so many beings who want to help us with that. You can ask 100,000 times a day if you need to. Choosing to love ourselves and not go into self blame is really the only choice we have. There’s an openness finally that wasn’t there before, a gap for love or Grace to pour into. 30:52 Student #8 My question is, “Who is having this conversation?” 31:18 Helen: I don’t know. I’ve looked and tried to define and describe, and I can only tell you what I am not. I’m not another some thing that I can define. I’m not separate. I’m not limited and neither are you. |
October 2023 Part 1 Exploring Lesson 3 – Unity Or Diversity
October 2023 Lesson Plan
Exploring Lesson 3 – Unity Or Diversity
Recording Index - Part 1
00.00 Welcome from Helen and announcements 09:42 Lesson 3: “Unity or Diversity” summary. Helen explains that we are Always and Already looking at the Self FROM the Self. When I know I am the Self, I don’t care where my attention wanders because it doesn’t affect Me. 14:00 Exercises for this month. Helen suggests these be done with GP buddies, in GP Sanghas or together as a group. She repeats there is no halfway. We are either deluded or awake at any moment. 22:40 Inquiry #1 - Helen leads student through Self Inquiry with these prompts: Let’s start by trying to find a separate being. No one listening to silence? Can you find anyone answering the question? Keep proving there’s no separate being listening. Is there someone listening or is listening just happening? 35:10 Inquiry #2 - Student asks how do I know the Noumenon and that I’m not deluding myself? 37:09 Helen: So this moment, Now, do you know this moment is here? Are you experiencing this moment right now? Are you experiencing the sense of now or are you experiencing yesterday? How do you know that sense of Nowness is here? Is it a looking and a direct seeing? You’re recognizing directly this moment is here. It’s always Now. 46:10 Q - Student #3 It still seems that there are things such as insects that are outside of me, that are not me. 47:00 Helen: We’re going to prefer certain ways the Self shows up in form and not so much in other ways. For a long time there might be lingering associations with phenomena we perceive, like ones with four legs or wings! Mostly we’re suffering from our thoughts about these insects. 53:40 Inquiry #4 - There’s a deep longing to join the retreat next June, but the accommodations would probably trigger my OCD and my sobbing would be disruptive to my roommates. 58:00 Helen: It’s very normal that these things come up. This desire arises but the pain and sobbing has nothing to do with those things, the OCD, the Covid, the bed bugs. It’s because you don’t feel that you can have what you want. |
September Q & A Session
Part 2 - 22/09/23
Recording Index - Part 2
00:08 Q6 First I want to thank you for all you do for us. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to do the practice. I don’t seem to have enough time for work and taking care of the house. How can I find time to manage all of this? 01:36 Helen: You’ve only ever brought me your best. How about telling yourself, “I’m so glad I showed up for practice today”? And do it, every time. You’ve never missed a day. That has to be more important to you than any other story, everything will change in your life. When I felt I was a separate being, I couldn’t run my business and household. I felt so busy and it was too much. As a separate being we feel we don’t have enough of everything, time is one of those things. Helen explains life is a different experience when lived as the Self. 14:35 Q7 There’s a resistance to phenomena, in this case unwellness and then there’s disliking it. I still struggle to see the difference. You’ve said disliking is a normal human response, whereas resistance is running stories, can’t cope, all of that. Disliking it still seems like a separate me and seems like resistance. 16:20 Helen: There’s a sensation in the body and there’s some movement against it. Another phenomenon is this No that comes up inside. For me it was an energetic thing, a dis-ease, a tension, a physical, visceral contraction in the body. It could also show up as stories also about the sensation in the body. And sometimes an emotion, too. That is how resistance showed up for me. The Noumenon would meet physical pain possibly by asking, “Why is this still going on?” with some story telling going on around it. “What haven’t I seen about it?” And there would be something wishing the pain would go away. And all of those responses would be treated as equally as I would respond to this table. Helen continues to explain how Noumenon would respond to pain and what actually causes the suffering. 27:19 Q8 Doctor prescribed an antidepressant, I’m scared to take it as I’m afraid it will inhibit my awakening. 29:13 Helen: Sometimes there are no reasons why people are depressed. Many people have many ideas about medication on the pathway. We’re going to experience what we think about a medication more than the medication itself. Helen explains how to come to know what is the right decision to make and if you do take it, how to have the least amount of side effects with the medication. 36:10 Q9 Conscious Imagining is so tangibly feel-good that during the course of the day being able to use the imagination, is it a form of spiritual bypassing? 37:40 Helen: The ego is doubting and fearing, if we’re not consciously imagining, we’re actually unconsciously imagining, also known as worrying. Helen explains how conscious imagining is deeply practical. |
September Q & A Session
Part 1 - 22/09/23
Recording Index - Part 1
0.00 Announcements 6:41 Q1 I have a tendency to forget our online classes and feel there might be resistance showing up, that I’m separating my spiritual life from the rest of my life. 8:16 Helen: This happened to me as well. This awakening asked me to let it pervade my relationships, my everything. That’s when I noticed resistance coming up. There was a belief that I can’t do both, spiritual and normal life. There was fear and resistance because I believed that the two aren’t compatible and my normal life would fall apart. I began to experience that in my outer life as things seemingly began falling apart. So without any blame you realize that you’re seeing the resistance and look at what’s actually going on. If I go deeper into my awakening, will it negatively impact my life and do I have to keep them separate? You really can’t have a deeply embodied awakening if we’re splitting those two inner and outer. Take a look at what you’re really scared of. What is going to go wrong if I go deeper? 15:32 Q2 Can you say more about feeling uncomfortable emotions as opposed to going directly to the truth? 16:44 Helen: They are the same thing. Actually it’s only possible to fully feel a negative emotion as the Self. As a separate being we have no option but to resist. As the Self we can have total compassion for the body and what it’s going through. That’s what healing looks like in that moment, to let it feel what it’s feeling. For me it was like a pressure cooker valve letting off some steam. And because I’d done the work and I didn’t believe the story, it could now come out. And then there was absolute peace, absolute silence even while the body was sobbing and feeling despair and rage. This is the awakened way. 25:37 Q3 My father passed away in his mid 60s and I am now in my 60s. I have an absolute terror of death. Should I use conscious imagining to see myself living far beyond this age or is it a done deal? 26:23 Helen: Death is the greatest teacher of all. It forces us to look at fear and what I am terrified of. I would look at the fear first then your conscious imagining could be really powerful. Conscious imagining will first ask us to look at the beliefs that are limiting our manifestation. The light of the Self will come through the body, and it’s going to make a shape, a manifestation. Whatever thoughts it’s got to flow through, it’s got to take the shape of those thoughts. So any belief we hold onto will diminish what we can manifest. For me the fear of death was paralyzing and completely terrifying. You are blessed to be able to recognize what you’re actually terrorized of, the end of your existence. Straight to the root of it. It’s not pleasant, but it’s very auspicious and it’s going to force you to transcend it which it did with me. Ask, “What am I actually terrified about?” For me it came down to two things: 1) no longer existing and 2) the process of dying. Helen explains how to investigate these two beliefs about death. * Death may be the most liberating experience of our whole incarnation. 39:03 Q4 You said we identify as a separate being when we look at the body and think “That’s me. The body is all I am.” Can you suggest ways to remember who we are when we’re in social settings with other people? Some way to perceive the truth when lots of emotions are present. 40:00 Helen: We experience this hypnotic and seductive idea that there are other beings, and that’s the bottom line. The most direct way would be Lesson 4: If I know there’s literally no difference between my deepest inquiry and seemingly other beings, and I open my eyes and nothing’s changed, nothing’s different, then you’ll feel the same peace and joy no matter what is happening. You’re not actually looking at phenomena. What you’re looking at is the real Self. It looks very different but it’s actually not. Seemingly paradoxical to that, you can come to live the truth while out and about in the world by accepting that sometimes you’re just not going to always be able to remember who you really are. Helen explains how that’s not the same as suffering. 48:49 Q5 In your book you say, “The only choice we have is whether to pay attention to the thoughts in the moments or to turn away from the magnetic pull of the thoughts and stay with the Noumenon.” So I interpreted that to mean that if I stay with Noumenon and not pulled back into the thought, that’s what I need to work on. So then why would I need to do self inquiry or contemplation? 49:45 Helen: The Noumenon is that which is open to experience everything. So if I ask a self inquiry question or contemplation question I would ask when I don’t seem to have any choice but to go and listen to the stories. They just seem to automatically suck me in and I only realize afterwards. A contemplation question is going to stop you from totally identifying with that emotion or that story. It actually opens you back up, is it actually true? Helen explains how contemplation helps bring you back to the openness of the Noumenon. So staying as the Awareness and asking a contemplation question are really the same ways to remain in the Noumenon. |
September 2023 Part 2 -
Exploring Lesson 2 – No Separate Being Means No Karmic Patterns!
September 2023 Part 1 -
Exploring Lesson 2 – No Separate Being Means No Karmic Patterns!
September 2023 Lesson Plan -
Exploring Lesson 2 – No Separate Being Means No Karmic Patterns!
Recording Index - Part 2
00:00 Helen leads a student into self inquiry by asking “Can I find a separate being?” 06:23 Q8 A student says she’s been feeling shame and alone and not part of the community. 07:12 Helen explains that how alone we feel is directly proportional to how much we participate and share in the community. 15:35 Q9 A student asks how to do a better job with her buddy. 16:35 Helen explains that interactions between buddies vary and each one is unique. 20:58 Q10 A student asks about Self will and if everything is Noumenon, why are there serial killers? 22:45 Helen explains that Noumenon brings attention back to what is real. It’s a seeing in the shape of a human being that is conscious of who it really is or unconscious. 29:20 Closing Remarks Recording Index - Part 1
00:00 Welcome from Helen and announcements 11:25 Lesson 2 Summary: Helen teaches how we can transcend all our suffering by understanding that there are no karmic patterns that belong to the separate self. We also come to understand that cause and the effect are the same thing. 25:00 30 Day Challenge: Look at Lesson 2 Lesson Plan and ponder whichever resonates most about karmic patterns. 26:19 Q1 A student asks if contemplation works on the subtle body. 28:05 Helen confirms that contemplation works directly with the subtle/astral body and changes the frequency of beliefs stored in the subtle body. Consistency with your practice is important. 32:00 Q2 A student questions how much we should focus on karmic patterns after hearing Helen compare shame to a cat. 32: 55 Helen explains that if a karmic pattern is mine, it’s something I have to do something with. 37:13 Q3 A student asks if we can just confirm that we are consciousness or does consciousness have to work with karmic patterns to realize itself? 38:50 Helen explains that inquiry and contemplation will help you see there’s a deeper root to the beliefs and where it is. 43:34 Q4 A student says her Doer is excited about the 30 Day challenge in order to not experience the karmic patterns but the idea of fixing comes into play. 44:50 Helen explains that the body is the Truth-o-meter: Excitement = extra life force 48:55 Q5 The student says the thought of finding a karmic pattern is just confusing and she doesn’t want to do the 30 Day Challenge. 49:30 Helen replies that life will reveal her karmic pattern; she doesn’t need to look. 51:44 Q6 The student shares the metaphor that the body is a taste bud, the karmic patterns are the whole and she’s mistakenly identifying as the taste bud. 54:12 Helen explains that fear or any karmic pattern cannot transmute back into peace as long as the separate self identifies the karmic pattern as “mine”. 55:24 Q7 The student feels overwhelmed doing Om meditation, Samyama, 30 Day Challenge and now this 30 Day Challenge on karmic patterns. 56:00 Helen asks, “How much are You doing?” Student’s issues with her body show her where she still identifies with the body. |
August Q & A Session Part 2 - 25/08/23
Recording Index
0:00 Q9 A question is asked about free will and what is controlling attention. 1:03 Helen explains that attention will follow intention and that the Infinite Self is doing it all along. We are simply building habits. 5:46 Q10 The questioner asks for help with occasional fear that comes in of losing this wonderful life. 7:44 Helen explains that you could never lose happiness because you are always that and suggests exploring Lesson 3. 14:55 Q11 The questioner asks about using the teachings in romantic relationships17:30 Helen discusses beliefs and how they are mirrored in relationships. Helen suggests questioning every story that you have told yourself about relationships; and find they are untrue. |
August Q & A Session Part 1 - 25/08/23
Recording Index
0.00 Announcements 12:00 Q1 A student reports that focusing on the Noumenon is bringing constant peace even in the middle of chaos and old emotions. 14:00 Helen comments that when the recognition of who you are becomes established there is more equanimity. She reminds us that it comes down to consistency and intention. 18:43 Q2 This question is about self inquiry and contemplation. 19:40 Helen comments about self inquiry and contemplation and explains that they will lead you to the same place. 24:36 Q3: The questioner ask for guidance about how to work with identification of the body and with shifting thoughts. 25:01 Helen comments that it doesn’t matter and suggests looking at Lesson 3. You will see that everything is happening from Self. 29:57 Q4 :The questioner shares that she had a miscarriage which triggered a rollercoaster of emotions. 30:30 Helen pauses for a moment of love and prayer for this GP member. She advises to feel the emotions without judgement and suggests contemplation, and inquiry. She briefly discusses the soul and incarnations. 37:11 Q5 The questioner ask about mantras and devotional singing 38:09 Helen comments that any mantra that is done consistently is very beneficial. The Self is presenting itself in vibration and it is welcomed. 43:03 Q6 The questioner wants clarification about the mantra which was mentioned in the previous question 43:25 Helen explains about the Gayatri mantra being an invocation about bringing forth that which is available in potential. 45:50 Q7 The questioner shares that she has severe ADHD and feels that her life is wasteful. 47:28 Helen comments that we usually end up in satsang because our outer life is not going well. Recognizing that we are here in this lifetime for the highest goal; no matter what our outer life looks like. 52.20 Q8 The questioner asks about emotional pain and suffering with illness 55:00 Helen asks the questioner to inquire if there is judgment about the illness and encourages her to keep sharing and expressing what is being felt. |
August 2023 - Exploring Lesson 1– The End Point of Meditation
(not live due to retreats)
August 2023 Lesson Plan - Exploring Lesson 1– The End Point of Meditation
Recording Index
Lesson 1 Summary: It’s important to have a fundamental understanding of Lesson 1 that is the basis of all the teachings. Lesson 1 like all the lessons has many layers of subtleties and each time we study it we can go deeper into those layers. Meditation will eventually become continuous, spontaneous and effortless, but in this lesson Helen goes deeper into that process. The lesson plan is read aloud and discussed. With this lesson you’re deepening your focus on the Noumenon and noticing what seems to pull you away because we think it’s more important than the Noumenon. It’s better to let thoughts come directly from the Noumenon rather than from the mind. Notice the urge to think is a subtle defense against deepening and when the urge comes up, you can simply go, “No thank you.” No need to make it wrong. Just stay right here with your attention open. What’s described in this lesson is some of the most advanced stages of meditation.
July 2023 Live Session Pt 1 -
Exploring Lesson 4 – Radical Renunciation
July 2023 Live Session Pt 2 -
Exploring Lesson 4– Radical Renunciation
July 2023 Lesson Plan - Exploring Lesson 4– Radical Renunciation
Recording Index - Part 1
0:00 Announcements 7:40 Lesson 4 Summary: What is the essence of lesson four? If we could distill it down to one sentence it could be “There is nothing other than the Self”, “All this is me”, and more were discussed. Lesson 4 is asking us to practice radical renunciation by renouncing all thoughts that are about something or someone else. None of them are true anyway. There is nothing else. They are only mental projections happening inside our own mind. See the Lesson Plan on this Monthly Teachings page. 33:38 Homework Exercises for this month: *Watch the thoughts that go through your mind and try to just observe them. *Examine that thought and see if it is about another being or thing. Does it really exist? *Notice how much time and energy the mind spends thinking about things that do not exist. Don’t reject this, just notice it. *See if you can see that the things you think about most are the things you are suffering over most and feel most separate to you. 31:39 Q1: There’s such an awareness of making the mind the enemy and that is causes suffering. Please walk me through what this looks like in the moment. Helen: Mind has no power of its own. If there is only one being and my current thought is of two beings, is it a true thought? That’s how renunciation works. We’re stopping that initial thought and asking if it’s really true. 42:50 Q2: I work as an evolutionary astrologer and yet I have a belief that astrology may not be really true in terms of the way things are going to turn out. It creates that sense of separation, of hope and fear. Helen: I wrestled with this myself because if there’s only the Self, what’s the point of this? But actually when you look at the ancient rishis, they valued this astrology and they used it also. It has to have a function in our nondual awakening. It is a science of how the appearance of objects will change. The destiny of this body will play itself out and astrology is an extraordinarily useful map. 54:48 Q3: This week I asked myself, “Why do I need to feel safe?” I want my customers to be happy because then I’m happy. When customers are upset, how should I look at that? Helen: Every thought brings you and something else, you and other. How many beings are there? You, your clients, your boss? Can this thought be true? The root of illusion is that there is me and other. Recording Index - Part 2
00:04 Q4: I’m not following this lesson on Radical Renunciation. I’m not feeling good enough. Helen: Can you see if I’m trying to get something or become something, then it’s separate from me. I’m not good enough, is that true? It implies that I and worthiness are two separate things. 08:15 Q5: A mosquito came and bit my foot. That bite seems to be a part of me. Is this thought true, but nothing is what I think it is. I can’t see that I’m one with the mosquito. Helen: Are there two beings, me and the mosquito? Can that thought be true? Can a thought about you and something else be true? Your thoughts about the mosquito and the swelling are what is bothering you. You really don’t know anything about a mosquito. Just gently look and see, “Is there really a mosquito?” 19:13 Q6: I needed to be alone with myself for a while. I’ve been looking outside but I see there's nothing to find. What a relief! Seeking is misery. Helen: It’ll go on for a while. It’s just an old habit spinning its wheels. It doesn’t affect you. Just watch it. Then see the seeking is empty. 24:05 Final comments by Helen: There will be some thoughts that are more challenging to apply this to than others, but as we’ve seen we just do the best we can, that is enough. Some thoughts will represent themselves over and over so that we can become more convinced of this and check again. Of course if you don’t like this process, you can pick any of the lessons and apply them and they’ll take you to the same place. This is just the simplest and most direct and it’s also working with the root of all illusion, which is this idea that there’s anything other than the Self. That is the root of all suffering. |
June Q & A Session Part 2 - 25/05/23
June Q & A Session Part 1 - 25/05/23
Recording Index - Part 2
00:10 Q6 In my job I have a strong feeling I’m not good enough and that they want to fire me. (crying) Helen: Let’s do a statement process now, you and me. Keep diving deeper into more joy, more peace, and the other stuff will vanish. Keep diving deeper into the Self where there is no suffering. 14:17 Today I had to see a lot of photos of people I know that are amputated. It’s very graphic and these guys live in a lot of chronic pain. Why would the Noumenon possibly want to experience the worst kind of pain? Helen: You can give these beings who have suffered so much this silent transmission of knowing, that nobody’s really suffering. Thought is suffering. Who they really are is alright actually. Isn’t the Self completely free? 39:22 Q8 All of my questions were answered through the Magnificence. I’m going to go out and get some signs on what I’m needing so that everybody knows what I’m up to. Reminding me that I need to drop this stuff. Helen: Thank you and good to see you. Looks like you’re doing okay. Recording Index - Part 1
0:00 Announcements 4:42 Q1 I realize anger in its purest form is love. These energies that are coming forth are not meant to be stopped and are a very important part of healing when seen for what they are. Helen: I love what you said, when I’m tempted to get involved I’m just getting in the way of the miracle that’s trying to happen. And not being afraid of these energies when they come up anymore. They’re just energies that have been trapped in the system and the very fact that they’re coming up means that we’re finally able to be with them. 11:50 Q2 I can’t seem to find the right contemplation questions regarding fear, especially regarding the feeling of being trapped in a lift/elevator. Helen: It’s important to look at this fear inherent in being a separate being. How does identification with the infinite Self help here? Because as the infinite being you cannot get trapped anywhere. If you’re formless, literally nothing can hurt you. 22:12 Q3 Feeling separate from mySelf happens when I’m upset with my partner and feelings of unworthiness and fear come up. Helen: You’re looking for approval from your partner in order to make you feel good enough. Remember that because you are the Self, you’re infinitely powerful. So channeling this belief that you’re not good enough, how can you ever feel worthy, loved, safe if your infinite power is projecting through the belief that you’re not good enough? Not safe? So the Self is asking you to look at what it is you think you need from this person, and then recognize that you’re now being asked to allow that to flow from the inside out. This will upgrade your relationship from conditional to unconditional love. 35:41 Q4 I feel I don’t have a life purpose anymore and I don’t feel safe or secure. Helen: Life purpose should not be connected to money. Ask yourself, “if I didn’t need money, what would I love to be doing?” Follow your bliss and find what happens. How much fun you have is going to directly determine how much you have in your bank account. 54:48 Q5 I have an undisciplined approach to my practice and I think I’m a bad GP student. Helen: The separate being that you think is resisting doesn’t actually exist. The only reason I started meditating consistently was because it felt really good. |
June 2023 Live Session - Exploring Lesson 3– Am I Looking At Or From The Self? - Part 2
June 2023 Live Session - Exploring Lesson 3– Am I Looking At Or From The Self? - Part 1
June 2023 Lesson Plan - Exploring Lesson 3 – Am I Looking At Or From The Self?
Recording Index - Part 2
0:00 Example 5: Let’s see if we can find a separate being. How are you recognising that conscious nothingness? Who knows this? Are you looking at or from this conscious nothingness? Just checking your body, is there any doubt? No matter what we think is going on, all that is …is conscious nothingness. Consciousness is using the mind to go to work and raise a family. It takes a human shape and does those things. What else is there to do—are there any goals to achieve? Has anything happened to conscious nothingness when attention goes back to thoughts? Does it have any karmic patterns? So, it’s free even when it thinks it’s not free? Can you find a me - it seems to be there but you can’t actually find it. Can you divide the nothingness and make a me out of it? What is all this made out of? What do we see when we look as the consciousness and not the senses? If I know I am the conscious nothingness looking through these eyes but I can know what I am looking at even when my senses are still functioning. So even this ‘me’ is completely empty. It’s just another subtle object. It’s a thought. Do I even need to remember? Just play around this. 9:31 Helen summarises 15:23 Guided meditation Recording Index - Part 1
00:00 Announcements 6:15 Helen teaches Lesson 3 Am I looking at or from the Self? - The shortest shortcut! Shifting identity is as simple as seeing there is no separate self and the universal Self is all we ever find. Then, once we are sure of this, we can check in any moment when we are struggling whether we are living as our real Self or from the imagined separate Self. Helen leads 5 students through Self Inquiry 15:01 Example 1: Can you find a someone or a separate being who is trying to wake up? Is an idea the same as a someone? Can you find a person? An actual person? If you were a separate being you should be able to find an edge to you—can you find where you stop? Where is the edge? We know where the body stops—but where do you stop? The you that is preoccupied---where/what is that? And you who sees the thoughts - what are you, where are you? So what are you if you are not the thoughts? How is the real Self appearing to you right now? (stillness) Can you notice the stillness right now—is there anyone being still or is there just stillness? There is no person, only stillness. Nobody trying to wake up. If there is no person and only stillness how are you noticing the stillness? Are you noticing with your senses? Can you see stillness? The stillness itself - is it even light yet or is it nothing at all? What can you actually say about stillness, is it even a subtle phenomenon, like light? Is stillness a thing or not a thing? Are you looking at the stillness or from the stillness? 24:30 Example 2: Can you find the separate being that we have taken ourselves to be? So what is this witness - can you describe that? So, how to you know the witness is there? How are you recognising it? Are you using your senses to see it? Are you using your mind to recognise it? So, is there a you and the witness? So, if you are looking at the witness there must be someone and a witness? Is there actually a separate being - there is an energy, but is there actually a someone and a witness? Let’s look again; is energy the same as a separate being? So, when you look for you all you find is empty space - nothingness. Is that nothingness dead or alive and witnessing/watching? Is the witness any different from this empty space? So what are you? What problems do you have as the witness? Do you have to even wake up to the truth? Do you have any karmic patterns? Are you going to grow old? So, what is trying to wake up? If there is no person then what is going on there? Or is it a bad dream? There is only the witness - that’s all I find. 33:18 Example 3: What do you find when you look for someone? No one hanging around in the emptiness? So, a sense of someone, but not an actual thing? How are you recognising that emptiness is present? How do you see emptiness? How are you recognising it? Are you using your mind? If you are not using your mind or your senses, how are you recognising it? What faculty are you using—how do you see something invisible? Is it after the emptiness - did it come out of emptiness? Could an object see the emptiness? If no phenomenon can see emptiness, what can see emptiness? How do you know it’s there? Even without any objects to contrast with—would the empty space still be here? Emptiness recognizes itself, there is nothing for me to do there. From the emptiness, looking as the emptiness, is it infinite or finite? Are there really any things arising out of it? Looking as the emptiness (not as the senses or mind) what does emptiness see as it looks? Does it see things? Does emptiness see forms? If you didn’t have any senses or a body/mind to label things—could you even tell me about any forms? So, from the emptiness are there any objects? Only when the senses arise in the body (form and senses are the same thing)—so as the emptiness do you have any spiritual work to do? The finish line is just there! Move a little more. 49:50 Example 4: Check and see if you can find a someone who is trying to awaken - can you find a separate being? Has there ever been a person? The ‘seems to be’ is so tangible! If you don’t find a someone what do you find? How do you know awareness is there? Are you seeing it with your senses? Are you using your mind to see awareness? The senses are there to see ‘things’, the mind can only think about awareness - but the knowing is immediate, it’s before any thought process. So what is left for you to do now? The best use of the body is to feel that there is not certainty, we are not quite convinced. What is going back into illusion if there is no separate person? Is there less doubt about that? Is it you that is not 100% convinced? Does awareness need to be convinced about itself? So, the next time you seem to fall back into illusion what is really happening to you? Still, nothing has happened to Awareness. The body and mind have a pretty rough time of it for a couple of minutes. We seem be moving from here (separate being) to there (Self). But we are always here. It doesn’t matter where the attention is; nothing is actually changing, you didn’t fall back into illusion. |
May Q & A Session Part 2 - 25/05/23
May Q & A Session Part 1 - 25/05/23
Recording Index - Part 2
0:10 Q7 During contemplation concerning a job/relationship I experience a contracted feeling inside my body. Helen: Contemplation works when we are open to all the answers that come up vs. giving a special meaning to just one answer. 14:11 Q8 Why am I still believing in a separate self and that I’m not free? What happens when I go back into illusion and how do I stop that? Ask yourself, “Am I willing to be the question, such as Where am I?” Keep reminding yourself of the question, there’s no need for the answer. Take refuge in the question. Live inside the question. 30:38 Q9 I feel like I want to punch a wall! Helen: Give the feeling permission to exist and just feel it. Am I willing to be with the feeling, to be authentic or am I going to run away from it? 51:18 Q10 When I get the urge to binge eat, I say to myself, “I’m the Noumenon” and that seems to help. Is it because I’m in a higher vibration? Helen: The thought that I am the Noumenon is enough to let go of other thoughts completely. It’s like when you come up through the clouds in an airplane and you’re flying above the clouds. You can see them down there but you’re above in the clear blue sky. Recording Index - Part 1
0:00 Announcements 4:55 Q1 Is there something so intangible that even in meditation it can’t be touched by Consciousness? Helen: Could there be something other than Consciousness? Can you have anything without Awareness? Is your Consciousness finite or infinite? 13:05 Q2 How do I know what to contemplate? Do I look for what is below the surface? Helen: Write a list of emotions you often feel and start with the strongest one. Ask what it wants to tell you. This will be the root issue from which other emotions sprout. Contemplation is simply: what’s the emotion, what’s the belief, is that true? 20:08 Q3 I suffer from depression and anxiety. Although when I look I can’t find my separate self, I feel my practice isn’t working. Helen: Here’s the pattern: there’s no point, it’s too hard, I can’t have this. This is coming up because you believe you can’t have what you want. 28:04 Q4 How do we choose the highest possible manifestation in each moment? Helen: When cause is gone, the effect also has to disappear. What that is will show up as something miraculous. When we remove what’s limiting, immediately something miraculous appears. 36:18 Q5 Why do I drop into identification with the separate being and remain a lifelong seeker? Why does this keep happening and how do I stop it? Helen: Lose the love affair with phenomena. When the desire is intense enough, you will stay awake. You have access to all the awakened beings. Remember: Desire, Determination, Divinity. 49:05 Q6 I added three new sutras to my Samyama practice. The process is deepening but also bringing up shame and unworthiness. It feels like it’s a choice whether to believe them or not. Helen: It’s a choice whether to go into the story or not. Before it may have felt like an involuntary thing but now it’s a choice and it’s easy to choose when you get to a certain depth of awakening. It’s easier to choose to stay free. The interest in the sutras is because they’re already emerging as a dominant vibration in your being. |
May 2023 Live Session - Exploring Lesson 2– Cause and Effect Part 2
May 2023 Live Session - Exploring Lesson 2– Cause and Effect Part 1
May 2023 Lesson Plan - - Exploring Lesson 2– Cause and Effect
Recording Index - Part 2
0:00 Q4. I have to push myself to show up. Helen: You are showing up already. Nothing on earth can stop the Self when it really wants to break through. I don’t need these barriers or blocks anymore. We are all quietly cheering you on. 3:45 Helen briefly explains the silent sitting and samyana sutras 6:47 Silent Sitting begins Recording Index - Part 1
0:00 Announcements 11:00 Lesson 2 It is not necessary at all to understand lesson 2 for it to work. Understanding comes on it’s own. Our mind believes in cause and effect; that one thing can cause another to happen. 99% of our thoughts are in separation and the way that we unknowingly sustain this is by thinking in terms of cause and effect. 1. The cause and the effect are the same thing. 2. The cause and the effect are not separate from each other. 3. The cause and the effect do not exist, only the Self exists. 4. The Self is appearing as the cause & the effect. 32:30 Q 1 We think that the emotion is the effect from what we are suffering from. We go to see what the emotion is telling us, is that also cause and effect? Helen: The belief, the emotion and the outer world experience are the same thing appearing 3 ways. It’s the same infinite Self showing up 3 ways. This was a vital step for me for realizing actually how to live as Oneness is to not actually separate myself in cause and effect. Humanity as a whole has got this idea that they are not safe as a separate being. Seeing these emotions, track them back to the way you are feeling inside. 37:30 Q 2 When I go outside my house I am super vigilant; I feel my body can be hurt by another being. I don’t actually feel afraid but there is this vigilance. This fight or flight response seems to be built into the body. Helen: It’s built into the concept of a body. There will be some level of drop of energy in the mind and body. The safest place to live is that I don’t really know. The body is made of the self, you begin to experience it lighter. The body is vibrating at such a high level that anyone could not get close to you in that same way. We have to give up even this label, then it is enveloped in the energy field of the Self. Q 2 (part b) How do we live from a higher vibration? Helen: This is all related to what we are talking about here. This is “not a body” using contemplation, also using the breath sutra…live from a place where you don’t know what this is. 45:45 Q3 I can’t even form the question. I am so frustrated. Why did my neighbor try to attack me when I did nothing? I am trying to understand that I manifested a person that has affected me that way. Is that correct? Helen: The infinite self is everywhere; it shows up as a human being and it believes it is not safe. We are not conscious of this. All of humanity is reflecting this back. What does frustration say to you? Frustration is a minor form of anger. It’s got a gift to give you. Nothing is hidden from you as the Self. If you just actually feel it, it’s neutral. You have never met anger without the beliefs about it. I don’t know what anger is actually. I would like to find out what it is without my fear of it. I would like to meet anger fresh today. |
April Q & A Session Part 2 - 27/04/23
Recording Index
0:09 Q8 If lower vibrations such as pain show up in the physical realm, does that mean there’s something in all the layers (subtle, emotional, physical)? Also is there a way to protect yourself if you’re exposed to someone struggling with lower energy? Helen: When you look at Louise Hay’s work, that’s the lower frequency showing up in the mind & something like fear showing up emotionally, & there’ll be something in the subtle body such as a desire to feel safe. It never exists on only one level. That’s why we have a physical incarnation. It’s easier to see it in the emotions & in the physical body. Waking & realizing the truth gives you a kind of natural immunity. Because while we believe we’re a separate being our energy field is only as strong as thoughts & is easily overridden. As the Self, the body & mind are kind of enveloped in this energy field that’s at least 100,000 times stronger than thoughts. Maybe a million or ten million times stronger. The idea that I’m a separate being really lowers the energy field of the mind & body & makes them susceptible to other vibrations. But when you recognize that you’re everywhere then the transmission that comes from there is so, so high & also so powerful & it’s so powerful that it neutralizes any lower frequencies that come anywhere near it. 6:25 Q9 Does the individual soul have thoughts and emotions or are they more subtle? Helen The astral body/soul is a collection of vibrations that are higher than thoughts & emotions. It’s everything I’ve worked on in previous incarnations, everything I’ve still got to work on, unfulfilled desires, things like that. But as we recognize our infinite nature, desires fall away. The belief in a separate being is on the sour/astral level. It just shows up in our emotions, in our mind & in our physical body so that we can see that & then work to transcend it. Even for someone who’s had an out of body experience or a near death experience, it doesn’t necessarily help them transcend that sense of separateness. Lower frequencies are going to come up to be felt. Just be aware and don’t resist but allow them. Don’t give emotions a story. Instead go right into the body. Like what is this that my body is feeling? Be really curious. What is this sensation? Where is this sensation? Explore it & zoom right in. 16:05 Q10 It’s my birthday in a week and I’m struggling with it because people ask you what do you want for your birthday. I think it’s unworthiness coming up again. It’s hard to let people be nice to me or treat me to nice things. I’ve noticed that there’s been a pattern where I can be quite self negating & apologizing as this unworthiness comes up. But I can also feel energetically when something doesn’t feel like the right thing to do. Helen: It’s your birthday so everyone’s going to ask what you want. We might not want very much but it also brings this “I don’t want to think about this.” That kind of energy inside. It’s good that you’ve seen it clearer. It’s sneaky & it’s uncomfortable but it won’t hold you back and you’ll see it clearer and quicker because of the work you’ve done here. 20:26 Q11 Recently I was in a heated conversation and then was accused of something, a personal issue. I feel a strong desire not to respond. Should I let it go and accept it with love? Helen: Whether you let it go or you do something about it, those two options can be done from different places. You can let it go as an egoic sense of self or you can let it go because ultimately that person is me & I’ve done stuff before. Or you can take some action as the Self & just have a conversation & say something very lovingly that goes across well. Or you can have a conversation as the egoic sense of self where it doesn’t go so well. More important to me than what you actually do here is where you’re doing it from. That will resolve it peacefully whether you take action or not. Those are things the body will do, but not you. 24:19 Q12 I understand you don’t have to be in the same room as an enlightened being to have that energy transmitted. However, if I’m on a zoom call with the camera off and multitasking, will I pick up the same vibrational energy as a person who is sitting and really focusing on the teacher and has the video on? Helen: If I’m multitasking & half listening & half not listening, then I’m lost in some thoughts as a doer trying to get stuff done. This class or this satsang is another thing I’m doing. The person giving it her full attention will most likely be in an energy field where she’s not doing at that point. She knows she’s not the doer. Even if it’s temporary, there’ll be some rays of frequency in the body mind that elevates her above where she could think she’s doing something. However, you could be right here listening to me right now desperate to get something out of what I’m saying & in doing so blocking what’s trying to come to you. It’s really why am I doing those things? Where is that coming from & who is doing that? Those questions are more important than anything. It’s all around you all the time. We call it Grace, Transmission. It’s like oxygen. You don’t have to do anything. It’s more of an opening & how many more thoughts am I believing right now in this moment, or not? 28:22 Helen’s Namaste and spontaneous silent meditation |
April Q & A Session Part 1 - 27/04/23
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 8:12 Q1 I experience extreme states of consciousness in my awakening including despair and disorientation. Is this to be expected? Helen: This is normal & a good sign that your egoic sense of self is dissolving. Some part of you feels despair. Rather than asking what is the meaning & purpose of this journey, know that there is no journey really happening. Ask yourself if it’s enough to be completely here in the moment. Do your best to not resist it & not blame yourself if you do resist it. 13:46 Q2 In my practice of zooming out, I’ve come to the stage where I ask “So what?” It seems that looking at an object and then zooming out creates a sense of duality. Helen: There’s a slight misconception that to shift your attention has to lead to a sense of duality. Does it really if they’re (form &formless) the same thing? It’s that idea that’s causing this sense of division & this - So what? & stops the joy from arising. Remember in Lesson 2, whatever I believe I experience. 19:37 Q3 I’m noticing self hatred & judgment of myself and others that make me feel separate. Helen: You rationalize that because you feel self hatred & judgment, that causes you to feel separate, that cause & effect are at work here. But if you flip that around, you can see that because you feel separate, you have feelings of self judgment & self criticism. You don’t feel separate because of thoughts, you just feel separate. Go deeper with your self inquiry and dissolve this sense of me and other. Look at Lesson 3 - Where am I looking from? Am I looking at or from the Self? 26:57 Q4 My meditation happens more spontaneously but seated formal meditation is decreasing. Helen: Now you’re aware of Stillness more & more seeping into daily life. Seated meditation will deepen & last longer effortlessly. The doer falls away, meditation happens naturally with deeper contemplation. Notice beliefs that continue & then question, eg the concept of time. Is it true I don’t have enough time? 32:31 Q5 There’s an inner No that reacts to emotions and thoughts. How can I respond without resistance to that no, that negative response? Helen: You said it’s the Inner No that makes thoughts & emotions appear negative. That you then have this knee jerk reaction of “No, I don’t want this”. That’s universal & all human beings have this experience. But it’s not actually the “No, I don’t want this” that makes the thoughts & emotions experienced negatively. It’s a slight misconception that’s causing a lot of suffering. It’s not the No itself. It’s the fact that we think that No response should disappear. When a negative emotion arises in me, such as deep shame, a strong response within arises that I don’t want to feel this. No, I don’t want this shame. So it’s actually our rejection of No that causes the emotions to be really unpleasant. But it’s totally ok that there’s shame & it’s totally ok that there’s this No response, don’t reject either of them. The egoic response will always be this No, but there’s also a Yes response. Awakening is acceptance of everything as it is now, the moment we push against anything we’ll be suffering. 41:25 Q6 I have a desire to change jobs but feelings of unworthiness are here. I’m aware this is just a story and what I really desire is to feel peace. Helen: You’ve accepted that you still believe the story of unworthiness. Start with accepting that you are where you are with the story. Then ask for what reason do I want this new job. How does the new job make me feel? Why can’t I feel that way now? Most important of all is self acceptance. Then you’ll come back to a place of peace inside. Peace will help you with your current job and open possibilities for a new job. 48:26 Q7 Do students always need to be in constant contact with an awakened teacher? Is the energy from contact with the teacher other than one’s own energy? Helen: Here’s an analogy of transmission of energy from an awakened being to a student. The teacher and student are like two tuning forks. The teacher is the vibrating singing tuning fork and the student is the non vibrating tuning fork that begins to vibrate at the same beautiful tone. For a human that brings peace, love and joy. It’s not dualistic because the student & teacher are vibrations. You don’t have to be in the same room as an awakened being. The vibrations are not affected by time & space & are still in the ether, ever present like a 24 hour radio station. It’s not a doing & you can tune into teachers, even those who have left the body. |
April 2023 Live Session - Exploring Lesson 1– Effortless Meditation Part 2
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Guided Zooming Out meditation: We’re not responsible for what happens in this meditation and we can’t get this wrong. Everything that’s happening is exactly what we need for our own awakening. April 2023 Lesson Plan - Exploring Lesson 1– Effortless Meditation
April 2023 Live Session - Exploring Lesson 1– Effortless Meditation Part 1
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 8:20 Lesson 1 Summary: Look at these four false ideas that can make our meditation seem like a chore. Fall in love with meditation best you can and let the Self do the rest and it will. 33:38 Homework Exercises Summary: Some signs of progress we should ask: Am I buying any of these ideas? Is there a quietness in the background even when the worst of emotions are there? You cannot fail at this. 38:46 Q1: While I was driving I was zooming out and I became quite sleepy. Summary of Helen’s response: When we’re zoomed out the body relaxes as tension of being a separate being subsides. Also discussed was how zooming out can affect PTSD. 46:51 Q2: My body has subtle but constant tension and bodily contractions. Summary of Helen’s response: As your mind becomes quieter, you become aware of pent up emotions held in the body as a separate being. Notice what your body is trying to tell you. Look at the cause and effect of not getting enough sleep. 57:56 Q3: Should I continue with formal meditation now that I experience peace spontaneously? Summary of Helen’s response: It might stop in a formal way or it might intensify in a formal way but whichever it will just organically happen. |
March Q & A Session Part 2 - 24/03/23
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0:35 Q7: If our only choice is to put our attention on Noumenon or phenomena, then there will be different outcomes. Different outcomes involve cause and effect but you say there is no cause and effect. 2:54 Helen answers 8:05 Q8: I had a huge fear that was held in the cells of my body and had to come out. 9:43 Helen answers 12:40 Q9: I touched upon not knowing. I knew absolutely nothing and it was very freeing. Now I want it back. 14:02 Helen answer |
March Q & A Session Part 1 - 24/03/23
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 5:42 Q1: Please speak about how feelings and emotions are not localized and do not belong to any individual. 6:16 Helen answers 10:12 Q2: When I contemplate I get the question, “Who is asking this?” and then ”Who is asking, who’s asking?” 11:07 Helen answers 18:37 Q3: An upcoming audit is causing fear, anxiety and a sense of being found out that I’m not good enough. 20:00 Helen answers 28:36 Q4: If there is only Now, this changes everything! 28:47 Helen answers 36:50 Q5: How can Noumenon be omniscient and still be learning? 37:15 Helen answers 49:11 Q6: Once I can love and accept myself, will I love and accept every form in this world? 43:46 Helen answers |
March 2023 Live Session - Part 2 - Exploring Lessons 1 and 4 –
The Self Is All There Is
Recording Index
0:15 Q5.Trauma has been reactivated in me in 2 situations recently. How to be with it? 6:36 Helen answers 17:58 Helen leads a meditation noticing experiencing happening March 2023 Lesson Plan - Exploring Lessons 1 and 4 – The Self Is All There Is
March 2023 Live Session - Part 1 - Exploring Lessons 1 and 4 –
The Self Is All There Is
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 8:27 Helen speaks 37:12 Q1. What is attention? How can attention go from one thing to another? 38:19 Helen answers 39:28 Q2. I feel weariness with contemplation; any feedback would be appreciated 41:35 Helen answers 46:22 Q3. I just come back off a silent retreat and I am feeling a lot of fear 47:00 Helen answers 52:17 Q4. It's something to do with trust. I am being unsettled; what is truth and how would I know it? I don't trust words and thoughts to tell me what is true. 54:20 Helen answers |
February Q & A Session Part 2 - 24/02/23
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0:00 Q8: If you were stranded on a desert island and had only one tool to deal with fear, what would it be? 0:51 Helen answers 13:41 Q9: My daughter is angry with me and although we’ve gone to counseling for over a year, the situation seems to be at a stalemate. 15:25 Helen answers 24:52 Q10: I relate to the previous question and feel like I wasn’t a good parent. 25:17 Helen answers |
February Q & A Session Part 1 - 24/02/23
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 3:50 Q1: My father passed away and it hurts so badly because I think of him as the separate self. 4:06: Helen answers 9:47 Q2: Please comment on the belief that Mind is the source of Awareness/Consciousness. 10:04 Helen answers 20:15 Q3: Sometimes in the middle of the night I can’t get rid of thoughts. 21:01 Helen answers 29:19 Q4: Does surrender become easier? 30:56 Helen answers 39:25 Q5: Should I keep Conscious Imagining until I reach the goal or should I take baby steps? 40:04 Helen answers 46:14 Q6: I’m struggling with meditation, and I want regular practice. 46:45 Helen answers 53:06 Q7: The issue of Covid 19 and the subsequent media coverage caused me much stress and anxiety. Is all of this just a story? 55:47 Helen answers |
February 2023 Live Session - Part 2 - Exploring Lesson 3 and 4 – I am Everywhere And I Am All
Recording Index
0:00 Q4: I have to prove to myself with your help that I’m not a separate being, Lesson 2. 0:20 Helen answers 10:48 Q5: Let’s start at point 1, first lesson. 11:18 Helen answers 25:10 Q6: You answered all my questions! We can’t mess this up, can we? 25:45 Helen answers 27:50 Helen’s “Hanging Out in the Emptiness” guided meditation |
February 2023 Live Session - Part 1 - Exploring Lesson 3 and 4 – I am Everywhere And I Am All
Recording Index
0:00 Helen’s announcements 9:41 Helen teaches Lesson 3 combined with Lesson 4 and then asks if anyone needs help to prove Lessons 1-4 experientially. 32:40 Q1: Lessons 2 and 3 are clear to me but I never explored Lesson 4, that I must be everything. 33:40 Helen answers 46:34 Q2: With Lesson 3 quite a lot of fear comes up, not being worthy or good enough. 47:38 Helen answers 56:47 Q3: Why would the ego be interested in dissolving itself? 1:01:02 Helen answers February 2023 Live Session - Exploring Lesson 3 & 4 – I am Everywhere And I Am All
January Q & A Session Part 2 - 25/01/23
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 8:53 Q1: How to reclaim the power from the belief that money is not real? 9:34: Helen answers 17:09 Q2: Please speak to cause & effect. What can I do to relieve debilitating back pain? 18:00 Helen answers 24:02 Q3: Sharing recent self inquiry questions regarding abundance 25:31 Helen answers 31:52 Q4: Asking about Helen’s experience with karmic patterns 34:03 Helen answers 42:50 Q5: My daughter suffers from health problems and I’m sad that I can’t help her. 43:16 Helen answers 48:00 Q6: Please lead us through a guided meditation as if in a distant location. 48:22 Helen answers 50:09 Q7: Please speak to what it’s like energetically when we identify with Noumenon. 50:48 Helen answers 58:20 Q8: Please speak about free will. 59:05 Helen answers |
January Q & A Session Part 1 - 25/01/23
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0:50 Q9: Sharing regarding contemplation and surrender 2:00 Helen answers 5:07 Q10: Sharing there is no right or wrong situation but the mind wants to divide 6:32 Helen answers 11:14 Q11: Feeling frustrated that I was triggered into an argument with my mother 13:47 Helen answers 16:58 Q12: What is the role of the body mind? 18:55 Helen answers 34:05 Guided meditation |
January 2023 Live Session - Part 2 - Exploring Lesson Two – “In here” and “out there” are One
Recording Index
0:00 Example 4 - I know I am not my body, but when I go to sleep and wake up, I identify with the body 1:31 Helen answers 10:29 Example 5 - I love myself more but my family of origin is still involved in thoughts 13:40 Helen answers 23:30 Sharing an experience of love and acceptance 25:15 Helen leads a meditation |
January 2023 Live Session - Part 1 - Exploring Lesson Two – “In here” and “out there” are One
Recording Index
0:00 Announcements 7:10 Helen teaches 30:39 Example 1 - When it comes to digestive problems I identify with a body 32:43 Helen answers 38.31 Example 2 - I have no purpose; I don't really want to do anything 42:12 Helen answers 49:30 Example 3 - I struggle with body image/exercise 51:26 Helen answers January 2023 Lesson Plan - Exploring Lesson Two – “In here” and “out there” are One